TimyNote 1.1.0 has added To-do List and formula insertion features in the editor. You can list your daily tasks in the editor, making it easier for you to carry out schedule management.
2024-10-24 14:22:21
TimyNote 1.1.0 has added To-do List and formula insertion features in the editor. You can list your daily tasks in the editor, making it easier for you to carry out schedule management.
2025-1-1 v1.1.6Happy new year!Add: click to view post content on PostManage page2024-11-28 v1.1.5Add: WebDAV sync (beta)Change: Add shortcut key (Ctrl+Alt+4) for level 4 headingFix:The left margin of
TimyNote is an open souce note-taking web application that requires no installation and can be used in any browser. With TimyNote, you can write down your daily study or work note in a browser tab. It
Yes! TimyNote is free software, but we still need to find a way to cover the development expenses.We understand that open-source is a good approach, but it is not sustainable in the long run. Therefor
Where is my data saved?contents/data.db: all your posts, categories and tags are saved in this SQLite database. contents/uploads: all your images are saved here.How to backup my data?You can backup yo
"LocalNote" is a simple name. We love this name. But there are too many LocalNote on the Internet, so we have to change "LocalNote" to TimyNote.