2025-1-1 v1.1.6
- Happy new year!
- Add: click to view post content on PostManage page
2024-11-28 v1.1.5
- Add: WebDAV sync (beta)
- Change: Add shortcut key (Ctrl+Alt+4) for level 4 heading
- Fix:The left margin of the title is too large
- Change: Open post in the post-manage page in a new tab
- Fix: the default image size is equal to the width of the editor
- Change: if the title is empty, it will automatically genearete the title based on the content
2024-10-22 v1.1.0
- Change: The URL is updated to: http://localhost:3333.
- Add: Add checklist and insert formula features in the editor.
- Add: Remind users if there is unsaved content.
2024-10-12 v1.0.7
- Change: in the statistical card, the categories are displayed in reverse order according to the number of notes.
- Fix: when modifying the note category, the categories of other notes are cleared.
- Fix: error in pinning notes to the top.
2024-10-11 v1.0.6
- Add: Shortcut keys for MAC computers.
- Add: New statistical cards added on the homepage (the number of notes under each category and the number of notes in different time periods).
- Change: The pinned function in the unlocked post-manage page has been modified.
- Change: Increase line spacing and paragraph spacing.
2024-10-3 v1.0.5
- Fix: Image folder name error when uploading new image
- Update method: Replace all files except for the _contents_ folder. If the nodejs-mac or nodejs-windows folder already exists, no need to replace the _nodejs-mac_ or _nodejs-windows_ folder.
2024-10-2 1.0.4
- Important: No installation required (no need to manually install NodeJS and related plugins anymore). You can use TimyNote with just one click.
- Change: On the post-manage page, clicking the edit button will open the post in a new tab.
- Added: After saving a note or template, the URL in the address bar will be updated. Thus, refreshing the page can reload the data.
- Added: After clicking "start", the new post page will be automatically opened.
- Important: all advanced functions are unlocked, and there is no limit on the number of categories and templates!
- Added: When the template title is empty, create a title automatically.
- Fixed: Errors in the process of template update and save.
- Added: Reset the URL in the address bar after creating a new post.
- Remove the search box on the top temporarily
- Fix the isssue that category list gets selected when inserting template
- Fix store page UI display error
- Official site of TimyNote migration
- Add shortcuts for Heading 1/2/3 title
- Fix post-manage page search issues
- Add MAC client plugin installer.
- Optimize the launcher.
- Optimize the data loading speed of the post-manage page.
- Fix the issue where the category is not cleared when creating a new post.
- Fix the problem of category confusion when updating a post.
- Optimize the database structure to improve performance.
- Optimize the theme to enhance the loading speed of the homepage.
- Remove slug display on the post-manage page.
- Add a pinning function on the post management page.
- Solve the problem of卡顿 when inserting icons.
- Fix post loading errors.
- Fix post search function errors.
- Fix the post search condition reset function.
- Add a progress bar when loading data tables on the post/category/template/tag pages.
- Optimize API data requests and significantly improve data interaction speed.
- Update to a simpler logo.
- Fix the horizontal alignment problem of the post page list.
- Integrate the editor.
- Optimize API requests.
- Integrate the editor.
- Optimize the backend post, category, tag and other management pages.
- Separate and reconstruct the internally used content management system into the web end of Local Note and use a brand new technical architecture.
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